
Entity Definition

Logical Name : BusinessDay
Physical Name : CA_DY_BSN

A calendar date that corresponds to a particular ReportingPeriod; has financial transactions attributed to it and is aggregated using the CalendarPeriod structure. May be opened and closed programmatically (eg: every day at 10:00pm precisely) or manually at each BusinessUnit (RetailStore, DistributionCenter, AdministrationCenter) using PeriodOpenTransaction and PeriodCloseTransaction .

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
BusinessDayDate (PK) The calendar date of the BusinessDay. DC_DY_BSN DateCalendar date
BeginDateTimestamp The date & time the BusinessDay begain at the nominated RetailStore - This is normally defined by the closure of the previous BusinessDay TS_BGN AuditDateTime datetime
EndDateTimestamp The date & time the BusinessDay ended at the nominated RetailStore TS_END AuditDateTime datetime


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
BusinessDay contains WorkerTimePunchEntry
BusinessDay is credited with Transaction

Logical Views containing BusinessDay

Logical View
Logical 02300 - Retail Transaction - Macro View
Logical 02305 - Retail Transaction - Header View
Logical 02400 - Control Transaction Macro View
Logical 02430 - Control Transaction - Period Open Close View
Logical 02440 - Control Transaction - Voids View
Logical 02510 - Tender Control Transaction - Movement View
Logical 03150 - Reporting - Store Operations - Operator View
Logical 03160 - Reporting - Store Operations - Till View
Logical 06100 - Calendar View
Logical 07040 - Customer Segment Dependent Behavior
Logical 10102 - EnterpriseWeather
Logical 11150 - Worker - Time Punch View